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Poon Choi 盤菜 2025 

Raimondi Alumni Association
Poon Choi 盤菜 2025

🌟 Attention Raimondians! 🌟


Mark your calendars! Our much-awaited Poon Choi Homecoming Dinner is back! 🍲 This year, we're taking the gathering to the area near the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Save the date and spread the joy with your fellow alumni! 🥢✨

Half tables (6 seats) and whole tables (12 seats) are available. Seats are limited, so secure your table now!

📍 Location: Open area outside Church main entrance
📆 Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025
⏰ Time: Reception 6:30PM; Dinner 7:00 - 9:30PM
🍲 Format: Poon Choi

Please note: Tables will be sold in sets of 6 seats. Select "2" in quantity for a WHOLE table reservation.

‼️ Registration deadline: 14 Feb 2025


Can't wait to see you all there! 

🌟 Attention 高記仔女! 🌟

大家等咗好耐嘅盆菜宴終於返嚟啦! 今年盆菜宴將喺聖母無原罪主教座堂外空地舉行,可選擇購買半圍 (6位) 或一圍 (12位)。各位高記仔女,快啲約埋你哋嘅同學仔一齊返嚟食飯敘舊喇!


📍 地點:聖母無原罪主教座堂外廣場
📆 日期:2025年2月28號 (星期五)
⏰ 時間:晚上6:30 迎賓; 晚餐7:00 - 9:30
🍲 形式:盆菜宴

本次預訂將以半圍(6位)為訂購單位,如果想買一圍嘅校友,請在 Quantity 選擇 “2”,我哋會為您預留一枱12位座席。

‼️ 報名截止日期:2025年2月14號


如有任何查詢,請聯絡 Connie Lum(WhatsApp 5307 2907)。

#RaimondiCollege #RC #RAA #HomecomingDinner #PoonChoi #RChomecoming

Table Type
Price (HK$)
HALF Table x1
FULL Table x1
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